Winter Moments to Relish

I’ve been in my new apartment for a little over two months. I must say I’m in love with my place and my neighborhood. I feel as if I live in a different city, yet I’m only twenty-one blocks from my previous living space. My perspective is different on where I live now, as opposed to when I simply visited this part of town on a pretty regular basis. Being immersed in it every day brings unseen elements to light.


I took a stroll over to Central Park on a recent weekend afternoon. I almost forgot that I am in close proximity to The Metropolitan Museum of Art. I’m also a stone’s throw away from one of my favorite running paths in the park, the Reservoir. Not to mention I’m right near the Great Lawn, where I have fond memories of picnics with friends listening to the Philharmonic during hot summer nights.

Since the weather is a constant state of cold this time of year, I enjoy cozying up in my apartment reading good books and watching endless episodes of Burn Notice on Netflix, my latest TV obsession.


I truly want to get back into a cooking routine. My schedule has been quite busy work-wise, so rather than stress myself out, I promised myself to keep things light and easy in the kitchen this month. There’s always February for pulling out my cookbooks. I have an idea for keeping things interesting on the daily menu which I will test out next month. I’ll be sure to share details if all is a success, or even if not.

I hadn’t baked in ages and sensed a craving for chocolate cake. This is unlike me as I’m usually vanilla all the way. A box cake caught my eye in the grocery store tonight. I contemplated it for about ten minutes. Then I went for it. Nothing wrong with a little devil’s food cake for no specific reason at all.


This past weekend I made headway in the book I’m currently writing. I had a breakthrough moment with a storyline that began to come alive. I wasn’t sure I wanted it to go in the direction it was headed, but who am I to stop my imagination. I’m going to let it run and see where it leads. That is the beauty of fiction. On the flip side, the plot of the book and some of the experiences and characters are actually pulled from real moments of mine in New York.

I saw something that Kara Goucher posted recently that resonated. I always trust myself. I want to be sure I’m always betting on me when it comes to the lifestyle I want to live and the career I want to lead. It’s a good reminder for all of us.


Have a great week ahead.